Become a Partner Family 2024/25
Pemi-Valley Habitat for Humanity Informational Meetings and Application for Home Partnership in Sanbornton
Pemi-Valley Habitat for Humanity (PVHFH) is a non-profit, housing ministry bringing people of all faiths, races, and backgrounds together to provide decent housing for those in need of housing improvement. Consideration is given for those with inadequate, sub-standard, and/or unaffordable housing conditions. In addition to the need of decent, affordable housing, persons/families are selected based on their ability to repay the costs incurred in constructing their habitat dwelling, and on their willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity. According to PVHFH, selected homeowners must commit to a minimum of 500-hrs/per able adult of “sweat equity” as part of the partnership agreement.
Application for these homes is much like traditional home mortgages but with broader criteria to allow those who may not qualify through conventional mortgages. Habitat homes are sold to the selected persons at no profit. PVHFH believes that decent housing is the right of all and does not discriminate because of race, color, familial status, national origin, sex, disability, or religion.
Pemi-Valley Habitat for Humanity currently has a home ownership opportunity in Sanbornton. The home is located on a beautiful lot and will provide plenty of opportunities for partner families to achieve their “sweat equity” hours doing light construction, painting, lot clearing and cleanup.

Meeting Location
Our informational meetings will be held at the Gordon-Nash Library at 69 Main St in New Hampton, NH on August 19th and 22nd at 6:00 PM and at the Sanbornton Old Town Hall at 17 Meetinghouse Hill Rd Sanbornton NH on August 27th and August 29th at 6:00 PM. These meetings are designed to familiarize potential partner families with PVHFH and what to expect if chosen.

If you have any questions prior to the informational meeting, please contact Frank McClain, our executive director at Please know that all questions about the process will be answered at the meeting.
We are looking for a true PARTNER family. If you know someone who might be interested, please pass this information along. If you are interested, we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.